Atelier Indochine online store





We plan to open our next online store in Autumn 2024.

ストアオープンの日程を事前にお知らせいたします→ LINE 友だち追加。

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About us

(Scroll down for English)「アトリエ・インドシン」は、信州の拠点と、インドシナを行ったりきたりしながら服を製作している小さなアトリエです。


"Atelier Indochine" is a small atelier located in Nagano, Japan, at which we design, make patterns for, and hand-dye women’s clothing using all-natural materials and dyestuffs.

We travel for a few months each year in Asia to source interesting and natural fabrics.

We tailor clothes from natural materials: linen, kadhi and organic cotton, and hand-made fabrics found throughout Asia, which we then dye by hand, one by one, with natural plant-based dyes.





▶︎お支払いと発送につきまして / Shipping & payment info

◎お支払いは、各種クレジットカード、郵便振替またはゆうちょ銀行口座へのお振込からお選びいただけます。We accept payment via square using VISA, Master Card, JCB, American Express and Discover credit cards.

◎ご注文後、ご入金を確認次第(代引き以外)3日以内に発送いたします。発送は平日のみです。土日祝祭日の発送は、集荷予約制のため少々お時間を頂きます。We ship items within three days after we receive your payment.



◎EMSにて国際配送も承ります。重量とお届け先により、料金が異なります。Overseas shipments will be by EMS (Express Mail Service). The cost of shipment will be determined by package weight and destination. 

◎4/15追記:日本郵便にて 一部の国・地域宛て国際郵便の一時引受停止および遅延等がでています。また、お届けまでにお時間のかかる場合がございます。どうぞご了承くださいませ。As of today, 12th of April, the Japan Post Office has temporarily suspended acceptance of items destined to certain countries/territories. We will inform customers of any change to the above.

▶︎FAQ / よくあるご質問

ストアご利用に関してよくあるご質問はこちらをご覧ください。Visit this page for our online store FAQ.

▶︎ご注文方法 / How to order


More about how to order, please click "How to order" on the bottom of this page.

▶︎お洗濯のご注意/How to wash



Visit this page for washing instruction.

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